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My Favorite Green Juice

We have made this juice for years, and we did not notice the benefits until we stopped drinking it when we moved to a bigger house far from any grocery store; and noticed that we were aging faster and having more ailments. So we realized this juice it is not only good for health but actually a little fountain of youth.


We have tried many other combinations including adding kale, broccoli, radish, etc. Please feel free to modify but just be careful with any raw cruciferous vegetables if you have thyroid issues especially nodules or goiters. Cruciferous vegetables have goitrogenic properties that may interfere with the production of thyroid hormone – mostly by disrupting your thyroid’s use of iodine.


This juice is delicious and slightly sweet. If you are considering adding dark leafy greens, add small amounts as some of these greens are bitter when juiced especially when adding dandelions or chards.


There is a saying: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” – green apples are packed with Vitamins A, C, Calcium and Iron. Celery is full of antioxidants: beta carotene and flavonoids; it also has vitamins A, K and C. Cucumbers have magnesium, potassium, manganese and vitamin C and K. Zucchini is rich in many vitamins like A, C, K, Folate, B6 and Thiamine; and minerals like: potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper and phosphorus.


Cilantro and parsley besides all the possible benefits and being packed with vitamins and minerals, we add them to the juice for one main reason: Chelating properties. Chelation is a process where certain substance can bind to toxic substances or heavy metals and help them to be removed from the body. Cilantro and parsley have chelating properties which help the body in the detoxification process of toxic substances as heavy metals.


Lime juice besides antioxidants and vitamin C, it helps preserving the juice in case you do not want to drink it immediately; it will avoid to get oxidation and preserve the nice green color. Also citric acid along with potassium help in the prevention of kidney stones because it binds to the calcium oxalate crystals which form the stones.


Ideally you want to drink the juice immediately, but if you are busy and sometimes it is hassle to clean those juicers; you can multiple the recipe and make multiple batches for the week and store in a mason jar ready to drink. You may need to shake it a little bit when store several days in the fridge. The juice may be good to drink for 3 days in fridge.


Regarding juicers, there are different types and prices may vary from as low as $30 to $2500. Normally the more expensive, better to get all benefits and nutrients from the ingredients with longer storage time as they prevent better oxidation. There are centrifugal, masticating, twin gear juicers and hydraulic presses. Centrifugal are the cheapest and convenient, but the centrifugal speed generates some level of heat that deteriorates the juice properties. The other processes keep better the integrity of juice properties because they are slower, generating less heat and extracting more from the vegetables and fruits; but they are also more expensive. There are many options available, but depending on your budget I would go with the Hurom H-AA Slow Juicer.

My Favorite Green Juice
Preparation time
5 Min
Total time
5 Min

My Favorite Green Juice



  1. Wash all ingredients  perfectly and in a juicer place all ingredients except lime juice.
  2. Serve in a glass and add the lime juice. Mix Well and Enjoy!
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